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A group of neighbors providing support and volunteer time to enable our members to continue to thrive...

Want to remain in your home as long as you are able to?

Become a member of Lake Barcroft Village.

Join now by completing our application and payment process.




Recent Events

In Case You Missed It:

Volunteer Appreciation BBQ/Happy Hour

The Volunteer Appreciation Barbecue was held Saturday, June 8, from 5:00-7:00 p.m. at the home of George and Cindy Waters. The event was designed to honor and thank our volunteers for all that they do.  

Quarterly Meeting –Thursday, June 27 


Jodi Smith

Regional Volunteer Coordinator for Fairfax County’s Volunteer Solutions


spoke about County programs and services

available to older adults to help them age in place.


Quarterly Meeting Slides

Adults & Aging Presentation

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Photos by Eliana Turina

In Case You Missed It:

Village Wine Tasting Event

The Event attracted about 60 people from all parts of Lake Barcroft.

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Photos taken by Jan Barrett and Cathy Williams



Do you think Exercise has to be Hard?   Give Easy Exercise a Try
Events Coming Up*Our Calendar is Full * Check it Out

Falls Prevention

At the Quarterly Meeting on March 27, 2024, a speaker from the Falls Prevention Alliance spoke and demonstrated exercises that comprise the SAIL program which can be accessed both in person and online. Click the link below to go to the page with information and the slides from the presentation.

Click the button for information about Rx delivery.

Filling Out Prescriptions

Pharmacy Delivery 

Takeout and Delivery Options

Craving a restaurant meal? There are lots of options for delivery and takeout.

Pepperoni Pizza

Member Benefits

Who Rates Best (& Worst) in the Washington Area? Now You'll Know..

Nonprofit Consumers' CHECKBOOK reveals which Washington Area service providers and retailers rated best and worst for quality and price. Lake Barcroft Village has a subscription available for all members. Contact Executive Director Cindy Waters for more details.

"Living alone and recovering from foot surgery proved to be a challenge. 

The post-surgical boot made it difficult to stand and get around. 

Cooks on Call was wonderful!  The week after surgery I had

delicious dinners delivered which usually included a main course

with salad, bread and dessert.  The large portions were great for leftovers.   

On the weekend one “cook” suggested bringing Thai take-out to be eaten

with the company of her and her spouse.  An excellent suggestion!"


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©2019 Lake Barcroft Village. Webmasters: Jane Guttman, Ellen Raphaeli

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