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Here is a sampling of some of the many services
our Volunteers provide for our members.
  • Transportation: trips to the doctor, grocery stores, train stations, airports


  • Home maintenance and repair: changing light bulbs, minor repairs, smoke detector batteries (one-time jobs)









  • Errands and household tasks: temporary assistance such as picking up prescriptions and dry cleaning, mailing packages


  • Social outreach: home visits or phone calls for those who are housebound; reading mail or books for visually impaired


  • Weather emergency service: calls to members to check on food supply, electricity, medication refrigeration; clearing snow


  • Personal Assistance: home security check while member is away; referrals to professional service providers when task is too much or too complicated for a volunteer


  • Computer Technology: instruction on use of email and Internet services; technical support for computers, cell phones and TVs


  • Administrative support: assistance with filing, sorting mail

Volunteer Marty Convisser changing smoke detector batteries for a Village member.

Cooks on Call:  A New Village Service

It's hard to handle daily chores when you're sick or when you've just come home from the hospital. The situation is even worse when the larder is bare and you're contemplating eating cereal for dinner.


Enter Cooks on Call! To plan for a meal prepared by a volunteer and

delivered to your home, let Cindy Waters know about your situation

…703 354 0652.


Cooks on Call will provide a meal or two upon request;

details/specifics would be negotiated between the member

and the volunteer.

"In November of 2019, I woke up on a Saturday morning, and I wasn’t feeling good at all. So I decided to go to the Emergency Room of Virginia Hospital and after three hours of various tests and a final X-ray they realized I had pneumonia. So Cooks on Call was called and they began bringing food for the evening. In the early stages, I placed a tray at my front door. . . . The dinner was left  on the tray.This way no one could catch pneumonia! Believe me I launched a thousand Kleenex and coughs!  . . ."Cooks On Call" was a life saver."


Cindy Waters, Executive Director, is a notary.

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©2019 Lake Barcroft Village. Webmasters: Jane Guttman, Ellen Raphaeli

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